AR (Acne Reduction)

Clareon IPL treatment results in skin that is radiant, clear and free of blemishes

Clients of all ages suffer from Acne. For some it’s an adolescent phase. For others it can alter the appearance of their skin forever, if not addressed properly. Technology has given you the ability to bring confidence back to your patients. Destroying the eco system in which the bacteria thrives can have more than an esthetic result for clients. The confidence that comes from clear skin brings an emotional value that is life changing for most.

The AR hand piece is used to target and kill P.Acne Bacteria, the bacteria responsible for causing acne.
Quick and effective treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne.

With the Novalis AR hand piece, you’ll be able to perform acne reduction treatments.

View Acne Before & After Photos


Wavelength: 4200-1200nm, Fluence 5-15 j/cm2

* Patient results may vary.

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