Rent a Clareon IPL Direct from the Manufacturer!
With Full Warranty and No Long Term Commitments.
The Clareon IPL is the perfect choice for any practice that prefers to offer a full range of Aesthetic procedures with a single device. Providers are able to transform the Clareon to meet each patients individual needs.The Clareon offers 5 different hand pieces. Providers that utilize the Clareon IPL can do the work of 5 different lasers, as Lasers can not change wavelengths and multiple lasers are typically required to treat multiple targets. This is not necessary when utilizing the Clareon IPL by Novalis Medical.
The Clareon IPL Can Perform All of These Treatments:

The Clareon
Voted Best Intense Pulsed Light Device

- Works with All Skin Types – Perform Treatments on Light and Dark Skin
- Upgradeable technology avoids obsolescence
- Patented unique Krypton spectral output for superior efficacy & with increased patient comfort and safety
- Patented Diffuse Ceramic Light-Guide for homogeneous light output to eliminate hot spots commonly seen using other IPL systems
- Patented pulse shaping for maximum clinical outcome
Superior Results Available ONLY from Novalis Medical
Krypton technology is the proud and patented result of our efforts to continually improve existing standards of IPL treatment technology. The result of this exclusive light source is a far superior procedure result with fewer of the inconvenient side effects traditionally associated with light based technology. READ MORE
Krypton technology is the proud and patented result of our efforts to continually improve existing standards of IPL treatment technology. The result of this exclusive light source is a far superior procedure result with fewer of the inconvenient side effects traditionally associated with light based technology. READ MORE
* Patient results may vary.