Age Spots

Find your reprieve against sun damage, age spots, and wrinkles with the Skin Rejuvenation hand piece from Novalis.

Why choose the Clareon IPL for anti-aging treatment?

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around IPL treatments for the reversal of sun damage and aging. The scientific facts prove the efficacy of IPL treatments which uses a broad spectrum of light, unlike a laser which is a targeted beam. Furthermore, according to Stanford Medical University, the long-term effect of the IPL treatment, also known as the “photofacial” or “photorejuvenation”, actually reverses the signs of aging. So, while there is no magic pill available that would stall the aging process, several IPL treatments is as close as you can come at the practitioner’s office for skin that is noticeably younger and refreshed.

Wavelength: 550-1200nm, Fluence 10-30 j/cm2

How does IPL work for anti-aging?

IPL also known as Intense Pulsed Light is the latest in light treatment technology to target pigment issues, such as brown spots, and sun damage. Sun damage and aging does not just show visible color changes and pigmentation within the skin. While the dermal layer thins, less collagen is produced and the elastin fibers that provide elasticity wear out. These changes in the skin cause wrinkles and sagging which can only be reversed by the stimulation of collagen by such devices as the Clareon IPL.

What makes the Clareon IPL device unique is its ability to pass through the epidermis (the second layer of the skin) to draw out the pigment producing cells (melanin) which will be removed by the body’s lymphatic system. There is virtually no downtime or discomfort associated with the procedure and most people find it as painless as a rubber band hitting the skin. IPL is a versatile device that can be used on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back arms, legs and just about anywhere on the body. Women who received consistent IPL treatment reported seeing improvements in their skin looking as much as 10 years younger. A series of 3-5 treatments is recommended spaced out about a month apart for ultimate results.

What to expect after a Clareon IPL treatment for aging?

Aging is an inevitable process that we all face. The appearance of pesky fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots can have a major emotional impact on your customer’s self-esteem and appearance often causing depression and dissatisfaction with one’s appearance.  However, the extent to which we age and how we approach our aging skin and bodies has to do with individual choice in anti-aging treatment. There are treatments you can do starting in your 20s that will ensure a better aging process into the 40s and beyond.

At Novalis, we believe that everyone should look their best regardless of their natural age. Our customized SR treatment ensures the removal of age spots as well as a lessening of fine lines and wrinkles for a skin that looks decades younger in a series of treatments. This is accomplished with our Clareon IPL Skin Rejuvenation Hand Piece- a fast, versatile hand piece designed to remove sun damage, age spots and pigmented lesions with ease.

What your customers can expect after a series of IPL treatments is a more youthful appearance with unblemished skin- the kind that can only be achieved with makeup. There’s no need to wait to look better, add the Clareon to your practice and reverse the signs of aging with science.

With the Novalis SR hand piece, you’ll be able to perform treatments including:

  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Pigmented Lesion Removal
  • Age Spot Removal
  • Sun Damage Removal
  • Wrinkle Treatment

View Skin Rejuvenation Before & After Photos

View Pigmented Lesion Removal Before & After Photos

View Skin Tightening Before & After Photos

* Patient results may vary.

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