Novalis IPL VR Vascular Removal Hand Piece for Clear Skin

Experience the benefits of clear skin free of cherry angiomas in just one or two sessions with our VR (Vascular Removal)

What is a cherry angioma?

A cherry angioma is a common type of mole-like growth made up of small blood vessels, or capillaries. Angiomas have no relation to cancer and are most common in adults over 30 years old tending to increase with age. Cherry angiomas come in different shapes, colors, and sizes from bright red, circular or oval in shape. They range in size from a pinpoint to about one-fourth of an inch in diameter. While, some cherry angiomas may appear smooth and even with the skin tone, others may appear slightly raised.

These skin growths can develop in most areas of the body such as the face, hands, shoulders, legs, stomach, and torso and may be aesthetically undesirable. The moles are typically superficial and non-life threatening, however, their reddish bump-like appearance may be off-putting to some people who experience the condition. While some cherry angiomas may be flat in appearance, others may be raised 1-3mm in size. Typically, these growths are not a cause for concern unless they bleed often or change size, shape or color.  However, many people find cherry angiomas undesirable and do not wish to have these mole-like growths visible on their face or body. The bright red color of angiomas makes them especially unpleasant and difficult to cover up with make-up.  Some people may feel self-conscious about having an angioma growth on their face or body.

Wavelength: 500-610, 740-1200nm, Fluence 5-35 j/cm2

What to expect from angioma treatment?

While we all desire smooth, even skin without blemishes or moles, sometimes we have to deal with unpleasant growths like angiomas. However, as we age, our environment, lifestyle, and genetic factors take a toll on our skin making it less resilient and supple, more prone to outbreaks and sensitivity. If your customers suffer from angiomas then you should suggest the latest scientific development in the IPL industry which is the gold standard for the treatment of such abnormalities. Multiple treatments of angiomas with IPL will cauterize the lesion or area, which is conducive to minimizing the bumps and relieving the redness associated with the condition. After one or two Clareon treatments, your customers will experience smooth, flawless skin in place of the redness of the angioma.

Results of angiomas treatment

Most often, 1-2 sessions of IPL is required for effective treatment of smaller angiomas, while large angiomas may require more sessions to see results. Most patients will notice these blood vessels “popping” after less than a week. However, if your customer is nervous about receiving IPL treatment for angiomas, there’s no need to worry, there is hardly any downtime or scarring associated with the procedure. With a few treatments, your customer’s skin can look renewed, free from cherry angiomas and other irregularities and ready to face day-to-day challenges. The science behind IPL treatment is specifically designed to minimize any downtime or discomfort you may experience while treating your skin concerns.

VR Hand Piece Details

What makes the technology unique is a high-power hand piece with multiple filter technology for extremely effective treatment of vascular lesions. Try Clareon IPL treatments for cherry angiomas today and be one step closer to clearer, more beautiful skin free from irregularities. 

View Angioma Removal Before & After Photos

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* Patient results may vary.

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