Skin Tightening

Why choose the Skin Tightening IPL Treatment?

Have you looked in the mirror and noticed that your skin looks different as the years go by? Perhaps, it is a little sagging under the chin or arms that have more loose skin than you’d like to see. Based on genetics, environment, diet, and lifestyle the appearance and condition of the skin on the face and body differ for every individual. As part of the aging process, skin loses elasticity and begins to sag around the face, neck, under the chin, upper arms, underarms, abdomen, above the knees and inner thighs. However, the advancement of time does not discriminate and skin that doesn’t look its best can impact your self-esteem and confidence in appearance. Even small changes like the way your clothes fit or the appearance of your face in photographs can motivate an individual to seek non-invasive, effective treatment against sagging skin. 

How does IPL Skin Tightening treatment work?

The science behind the IPL treatment is effective for a number of skin conditions such as age spots, wrinkles, rosacea, veins, and skin rejuvenation and sagging. The procedure works by bypassing the top layer of the skin (epidermis) to heat up the second layer of the skin (dermis) which results in new collagen production that visibly tightens loose skin. The best results can be achieved on sagging skin that is without much fat. Furthermore, the light-based system of the IPL provides a more uniform distribution of energy for heating the second layer of the skin, a feature that has been found to be more effective than its competitors on the market. The broad spectrum wavelength from an IPL treatment can treat broader areas of the skin than the pointed beam of the laser resulting in treatment that is more effective, shorter in duration, and with less downtime. Most patients report feeling a mild discomfort, swelling, and reddening of the skin after treatment that should dissipate in a few hours. The result? Skin that looks tighter, younger, and refreshed for the optimal in customer satisfaction.

The Skin Tightening IPL difference

While aging is irreversible, science has made a breakthrough with the first, non-surgical, light-based dermal heating system approved by the FDA for lax skin. Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a non-invasive treatment that provides a natural approach to skin tightening without injections, surgery, or recovery time. Your customers will feel a difference in the appearance, texture, and elasticity of their skin in just two to three treatments over a course of a few months. While, customers can expect noticeable improvement three to four weeks after the first treatment, the real difference in the before and after will be evident three to four weeks after the second IPL treatment.

With the Novalis ST hand piece, you’ll be able to perform Skin Tightening treatments.

Skin Tightening Hand Piece details

Experience Skin Tightening that rejuvenates and refreshes the skin revealing a more beautiful, younger, radiant appearance.

Designed for deep dermal skin tightening on all skin types. A unique, patented hand piece designed to create heat-induced collagen shrinkage, skin tightening and texture smoothing.

Wavelength: 750-1150nm, Fluence 5-30 j/cm2

View Skin Tightening Before & After Photos

* Patient results may vary.

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