Experience radiant skin with the help of VR (Vascular Removal) For Vein Removal
Why choose Vascular Removal IPL treatment?
Have you noticed unsightly red veins around your eyes, mouth, and nose or on larger areas of the face? Also, known as telangiectasia or spider veins, these skin abnormalities can be a result of a culmination of factors such as genetics, excessive sun and wind exposure, alcohol consumption, pregnancy, hormones, trauma to the skin, and medications that widen blood vessels. The most pronounced veins are typically found on fair-skinned individuals who have had a lot of sun exposure. While facial veins pose no health concerns unless they start bleeding, many customers are self-conscious about the appearance of veins on the delicate areas of the face and try to cover it up with make-up. The Vascular Removal IPL treatment is the perfect choice for erasing veins from the face with its innovative technology that penetrates beyond the first layer of the skin to heat up and damage the blood vessels which causes them to collapse and eventually be painlessly removed from the body.

Wavelength: 500-610, 740-1200nm, Fluence 5-35 j/cm2
View Vascular Lesion Removal Before & After Photos

What to expect during VR treatment
If your customers are looking to erase veins for even-toned, flawless skin that has no redness or abnormalities, IPL treatment is a safe and effective procedure for many individuals. The science behind IPL is the broad spectrum of a wavelength of light that is used to target veins that are visible at the surface of the skin. The location of the veins on the skin as well as the customer’s skin color can affect the results. The procedure can be performed in a doctor’s office or a medi-spa and takes approximately 15 to 45 minutes depending on the location and amount of spider veins to be treated. Most people report experiencing minimal discomfort like the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. There is virtually no downtime associated with treatment except some redness and swelling which might require ice after the procedure. It is recommended for most patients to stay out of the sun 2 weeks before and after the procedure due to the light sensitivity associated with IPL treatment. Some customers may need to undergo multiple treatment sessions four to six weeks apart to see desired results. However, once the VR treatment with IPL has been performed the results are permanent unless new veins appear on the skin. Your customers will enjoy clear skin that is free of unsightly veins for results that are proven to last.
The VR Hand Piece details
The VR hand piece can remove small veins from around the nose, mouth, and eyes as well as larger veins in the face with ease.